what is geography

The word geography is derived from Greek scholar named ERATOSTHENES and coined the term GEOGRAPHY in the third century.Geography is a combination of two words( Geo and graph).so Geo means Earth and Graph mean description.so literally its mean is a discussion about the earth.Geography subject is more than to the name of capitals and maps.Geography is a science an all-encompassing science that seeks to bridge and understand through an understanding of LOCATION and PLACES, the world physical and human features.GEOGRAPHY TEACHES US WHERE THINGS ARE AND HOW THEY GOT THERE; IT LOOKS AT THE SPATIAL(space and place) CONNECTION BETWEEN PEOPLE AND THE EARTH

Although “geography” is a Modern discipline in which scientist use space-age research equipment, but its roots extend to the very down in ancient Greek era.Many people Called geography as MOTHER OF ALL SCIENCES.this title is well suited and fitting because all other discipline took root from its existence.geography is not a analytic tool but also a spatial science because it deals with people, landscape, money, and other infinite uses that also deal with social science like History, psychology and anthropology and also physical science e.g geology and weather and climate.it’s also deal with technical science e.g Geography information system (GIS), geodesy and also remote sensing.

Modern geography studies the earth as the home of Man.It attempts to find out the relationship between Man and Environment.In other words ,it studies man’s adoption to the environment,in which he lives and works.The geography follow a systematic approach a scientific discipline,which gives the following answer:What is the cause of the variations in the distribution of phenomena,we observe to exist in geographic space?What are the dynamics that shape the spatial organization of each part of the earth’s surface?these are among the central questions,that geographers have asked for centuries and continue to pose today.