Geography Defination

Like other subjects defination for geography is also present.There are many definations of geography which is prsented by different geography scholars.Every geographer or scientist describes geography to his own words and defination in geography,defination for geography,geographic defination and defination of geography by different scholars are here…so have a look:

Geography Defination

“Geography is a scientifice or systematic study of aerial variations and siminlarities from place to place on the surface of the earth.”

Geography defination:

Geography is the field of science which deals with the spatial distribution of physical and human features / phenomena / objects /places/ events and things ,is called geography.

Defination of geography by different scholars

Every geographer or scientist describes geography to his own words and percption.There are varios defination for geography but some famouse are:

Vidal da la Blaches:

“Geography is the science of places.”


“Geography is the correlation science.”


“Geography tells us what is where,why and what its made of.”


“Geography is discipline that seeks to describes and interpret,the variable character from place to place of the earth as the worls of man.”


“Geography is the interaction between spaces”


“The purpose of geography is to provide ‘a view of the whole’ earth by mapping the location of places.”

Alexander Von Humboldt:

“Geography is a synthesizing discipline that connects the general with the special through measurement, mapping, and a regional emphasis.”

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